mercredi 29 juillet 2015

# 99 # It's time to ~subOrdination~ by Soedara Rogue Sirik

Rogue Sirik. An outfit for the bad naughty girls out there. Those who have disobeyed, lied perhaps and need be punished. An outfit that shows your disposition and the symbolic presentation your Owner(s) wish to show to the world.
"My condition, my status, is doubtless clear to you. Would it not be clear from the speaking of chains, and collars, and such?"The Rogue Sirik comes with all that is seen on the picture. Leaving you the choice to leave certain add-ons unused. A HUD is added to change colors of the metal chains & studs! (Only of the Top & Belt, not the particle chains)
Choose between 4 different metals.
* Gold
* Bronze
* Black
* Metal
The Rogue Sirik outfit comes with the following items: 1. A top with chains. Rigged Mesh. (HUD added. Chain texture can be changed). OPEN COLLAR version added!
2. A Chained Belt with Studs. Rigged mesh, added a NON-Rigged version for resizing for those that have a different size behind then the Standard Sizing! (HUD added. Chain texture can be changed) 2. Wrist Cuff. Scripted, chains run from Wrist-Ankles. (Particle chains texture can not be changed. For a different color then one depicted on add, see my marketplace for Rogue Cuffs stand-alone) 3. Ankle Cuffs. Scripted, chains run from Wrist-Ankles & Padlock Crotch-Ankle (Particle chains texture can not be changed. For a different color then one depicted on add, see my marketplace for Rogue Cuffs stand-alone)
4. Upper-arm bracelets 5. Nipple piercings 6. Padlocks These can be worn optional. The Padlocks come in Plain & Text. Words of Text Padlocks are OWNED-SLUT-SLAVE-USE ME. 7. Dirt Tattoo layer. A dirty body & face with run make up. 8. A Headmask & Cloth Gag 9. HUD. Intuitive and easy. Offers you the choice between 4 kinds of metal for the studs/chains.
NOTE: Particle chains can be turned off. See NC included.
Hair : ^;^CaTwA^;^ Mesh Ladymana HairStyle/Punk

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